Currently learning how to use Azure AI Search to integrate a powerful search engine to a complex application. I need to search for multiple entities and filter the results based on user authorization while keeping the confidential data as secure as possible.
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Improving my knowledge of GraphQL, a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries by using a type system you define for your data. I use it where I currently work to fetch data from the server.
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Just started learning solidity, my goal is to be able to develop smart contracts and deploy decentralized applications powered by the Ethereum blockchain.
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Started to use Next.js to build front end interfaces. As you probably seen on the homepage, I used it to build this website.
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Pretty up to date with Angular but still following the changes made for the release of the new 17.0.0 version. I use Angular daily at work to develop the front-end of a complex application.
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Esteban 2024